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My own health journey started in my teens, when I realised that I had been living unconsciously through my upbringing in regards to my nutrition & lifestyle. I have always been active in different sports and enjoyed competition in whatever I pursued, but during my late teens it all changed as I got more heavily into gaming, fast food, suppresed my emotions and had a negative attitude towards life. A few catalystic events happened in my life that propelled me into being curious about health & training. This curiosity eventually developed into a passion and obsession that in many ways I am still living out...


The events made me realise that I could focus and control more than I previously thought possible and I got results that improved my life drastically. Not only did I improve my athletic performance, I improved my gut health, skin, confidence and found a new purpose in life.

To this day I keep researching and learning new things about holistic health, training, personal development and performance. The accumulated knowledge of this really supported me in my days of elite level Futsal, understanding that the sum of all parts is what it is really about when pursuing the best version of yourself, not just pushing harder and doing more things for the sake of it.

My belief is that every person has untapped potential and the choice is ours if we want to reach it. In regards to our health, there is no destination, only checkpoints that can inspire us and make us realise what is possible when we develop self-love and awareness.

My methods and programs are principle-based where the training is always customised to the best of ability and context to make your training effective, safe and also something that we look forward to, not a dragging chore that makes life miserable.

Everything starts with a consultation!


The consultation presents what is most important and valuable for you. From there we will customise a plan that works for YOU! There is not a one-size-fits all solution, but everything has a solution.


— Theodore Roosevelt


CHEK Institute - Academy

Holistic Lifestyle Coach level 1

Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 2

Integrated Movement Science Level 1

Integrated Movement Science Level 2

Program Design 2nd ed. 

Advanced Program Design

Scientific Core Conditioning

Scientific Back Conditioning

Equal, But Not the Same

Master the Kettlebell

Certified MTK via Mike Salemi

Primal Kettlebell Course

Completed Eric Leija's Kettlebell Course

Rope Flow Foundations

Completed Edward Troise course in Rope Flow. 

Stockholm Massage Academy

Diploma in Classic & Swedish Massage

AO Performance 

Fascia Behandling & Återhämtning


Onnit Foundations 


RMT (Rotational Movement Training) Specialist Course

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